Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Wow 7 days before I leave! Thank you so much to ALL of you who have been supporting me!! Your prayers, emails, checks, questions, and time have meant so much to me! I am so glad I listened to my church. They encouraged us to seek support from people in our lives for prayer and financial support. At first I was not very enthusiastic about having to ask people to support me financially. However, God has opened so many doors through this process! He has shown me what amazing people I have in my life! What generous and thoughtful people support me everyday and I take it for granted. THANK YOU!!


Anonymous said...

So glad we get to do this together! You are awesome and a great leader, thanks!

*Michelle said...

Found you!! I shall stalk your blog while you are abroad! (and probably when you get back too. :)

If you want some funny wedding planning reading - feel free to stalk my blog!

Miss you! God bless!
You are in my prayers chicka!